If you live in Wanstead, Woodford or the immediate adjoining areas why not join our many members, most of whom are no longer in full time employment and want to spend some of their leisure time making new friends, discover new interests and activities and have some fun.

Our year runs from April to March, and at only £18 per member per year (£36 for couples) it is great value. This is only £1.50 per month per member. A lower fee is available if you join part way through the year. For this, we offer monthly meetings with high quality and interesting guest speakers, theatre trips, countryside outings, quizzes, and a wide variety of interest groups.

Membership Application Form

Fill in the application form below and click on ‘send’.  We will then send you joining and payment instructions.

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Full Name

Contact Form

Fill in the contact form below if you want to contact an officer of Wanstead & Woodford u3a.

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For the members by the members