All our groups are run by members who have volunteered to take on the role of leader or joint leader. Groups are formed when a number of people share a similar interest or wish to learn a new skill or develop a new interest. Some groups are very popular and may be full, but don’t give up. Contact one of our Joint Group Co-ordinators who will try to get a new group started.

Most groups operate from members’ homes and are free (though we do suggest 50p donation for tea and a biscuit). Some groups, such as Film Group or Tai Chi take place in a hall and there will be a small fee to join these groups to cover the cost of the venue. We also jointly run some groups with neighbouring u3a’s.

Members sometimes have a skillset or particular knowledge they would like to share with others but don’t know how to do this. Don’t worry, our Joint Group Co-ordinators will guide you through the steps in setting up a new group.

  • Afternoon Tea Group 1

  • Afternoon Tea Group 2

  • Book Group 1

  • Book Group 2

  • Book Group 3

  • Boules

  • Bridge

  • Canasta & cards

  • Community Gardening

  • Enjoying Opera

  • Evening Dinner Group 1

  • Evening Dinner Group 2

  • Film Group

  • Flower Arranging

  • Freedom Pass Rover 1

  • Freedom Pass Rover 2

  • French Group

  • Garden Visits Group

  • History  Group

  • Italian for Beginners

  • Italian Intermediate

  • Knit & Natter Group

  • London Walks Group 1

  • London Walks Group 2

  • Looking at Art & Culture Group

  • Mah Jong Group

  • Music Appreciation Group

  • Poetry Reading Group 1

  • Poetry Reading Group 2

  • Pub Lunch Group 2

  • Pub Lunch Group 3

  • Pub Lunch Group 4

  • Racketball Group

  • Rummikub Group 1

  • Rummikub Group 2

  • Science Group

  • Sunday Scrabble Group

  • Sew Crafty Group

  • Shakespeare Reading Group

  • Spanish Intermediate Group

  • Table Tennis Group

  • Tai Chi Group

  • Ten Pin Bowling

  • Traditional Games Group

  • Trains, Boats & Planes

For the members by the members