Why do I need to complete a risk assessment?
Risk Assessments are associated with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. While this does not apply to u3as as members are not at work, the insurance company expect u3as to take reasonable precautions through risk assessment checklists, and they use these as a basis of any claims made. If a member were injured, our insurance provider would ask for the completed risk assessment to be able to prove how the risk was identified. All groups should complete risk assessments to protect themselves. This is covered in our Insurance FAQs.

For most activities, a checklist is sufficient. The more hazardous the activity, the more comprehensive the risk assessment checklist should be. the Trust has provided model risk assessment checklists for different kinds of low-risk activities which u3as can adapt to their particular situations.

How often do I need to complete a risk assessment?
Best practice is to complete the appropriate risk assessment checklist at the beginning of each u3a activity, if there are any changes. However, we recognise this may not always be possible. At the very minimum, you should be completing or updating the appropriate risk assessment checklist in the following circumstances:

Home – based risk assessment checklist:

  • Before the activity takes place in a member’s home for the first time.
  • If the activity moves to another member’s home.
  • If the member’s home changes in a significant way that would impact the u3a activity taking place or other member’s access (e.g., the addition of outdoor steps, building work).
  • If any additional hazards or considerations have been identified since completing the last checklist (e.g., a new pet).

Venue – based risk assessment checklist:

  • Before the activity takes place in the venue for the first time.
  • If the activity takes place in a new venue.
  • If the venue changes in a significant way that would impact the u3a activity, accessibility, or member safety (e.g., building work, a newly blocked off exit).
  • If any additional hazards have been identified since completing the last checklist (e.g., new equipment.)

Online – based risk assessment checklist:

  • Before each online activity with a new group and/or new host.

Day trip risk assessment checklist

  • Before every day trip.

Holiday travel risk assessment checklist

  • Before every holiday.

Outdoor sporting activity risk assessment checklist

  • Before the activity takes place for the first time.
  • If the venue or sporting area changes.
  • if the group leader changes.
  • if there are new members.
  • if there are additional hazards that are identified since the last risk assessment checklist was completed.

Walk leader risk assessment checklist

  • Before the activity takes place for the first time.
  • If the route is different or new.
  • If the group leader changes.
  • If new members join the group.
  • If additional hazards are identified since the last risk assessment was completed.

Personal member risk assessment

• If the member considers themselves to be vulnerable or requires adjustments to be made so they can participate in u3a activities.
• If a member considers their needs to have changed since completing the last personal member risk assessment.
• If a member wants to consider the risk to themselves for taking part in any u3a activity or event.

How long do we need to store each risk assessment checklist?
You should store each risk assessment for up to three years as this is the timeframe in which a claim can be made.

Do I need the day trip or holiday travel risk assessment checklist?

If your trip is over 24 hours and/or includes an overnight stay, then you should use the holiday travel risk assessment.

November 2023